Stephen Miller Blasts CBP for Investigating Account That Retweeted Him (2025)

Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser to Donald Trump, has criticized the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) after the agency said it would deactivate a West Texas CBP Twitter account that retweeted his posts.

Miller wrote in a tweet Sunday night: "Joe Biden's soulless open border crusade is killing thousands of innocents. Death and destruction everywhere. But instead of going after the murderous cartels, they are going after agents for RTs of pro-border messages. The Biden Administration hates the law and law enforcement."

It was reported last week that the Department of Justice has subpoenaed Miller, seeking information about the fundraising and alleged plans to submit fake electors to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election.

Stephen Miller Blasts CBP for Investigating Account That Retweeted Him (1)

CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus wrote in a tweet that it was "totally unacceptable and disappointing that any CBP Twitter account was used to R/T offensive, unauthorized content."

Magnus added: "We've removed the content and will deactivate the account. The Office of Professional Responsibility will investigate. This must not happen again." The account remained active on Monday.

Magnus also shared a statement Saturday that said the retweets of the @CBPWestTexas account do not reflect the agency's views.

Joe Biden’s soulless open border crusade is killing thousands of innocents. Death and destruction everywhere. But instead of going after the murderous cartels, they are going after agents for RTs of pro-border messages. The Biden Administration hates the law and law enforcement.

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) September 12, 2022

"The tweets do not reflect the values of this administration and our work to rebuild a humane, orderly, and secure immigration system," the statement said.

Totally unacceptable and disappointing that any CBP Twitter account was used to R/T offensive, unauthorized content. We’ve removed the content and will deactivate the account. The Office of Professional Responsibility will investigate. This must not happen again.

— CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus (@CBPChrisMagnus) September 11, 2022

According to screenshots posted on Twitter, the @CBPWestTexas account shared two tweets from Miller and also liked posts that made homophobic slurs against openly gay Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The tweets from Miller criticized President Joe Biden's immigration policies and accused the government of ignoring violent crime.

"Violent criminals lay waste to our communities undisturbed while the immense power of the state is arrayed against those whose only crime is dissent," Miller said in one tweet. "The law has been turned from a shield to protect the innocent into a sword to conquer them."

What is up with the @CBPWestTexas Twitter feed right now? This is one of the most egregious examples I’ve ever seen of a US federal law enforcement agency defying elected political leadership in official communications.

— Adam Isacson (@adam_wola) September 10, 2022

In the other, Miller attacked the media, saying its "greatest power is its ability to frame what is a dire national crisis (eg "cops are racist" summer '20) and what is not."

In that tweet, Miller added that the president's "eradication of our border means we are no longer a Republic–he's ended nearly 250 years of constitutional government. The media is silent."

As a senior White House adviser, Miller was the architect of many of the Trump administration's hard-line immigration policies—from the Muslim travel ban to family separation at the border.

The Southern Poverty Law Center said that "through the conscious use of fearmongering and xenophobia, Miller implements policies which demonize immigrants, regardless of their immigration status, in an apparent effort to halt all forms of immigration to the United States."

Read more

  • Stephen Miller, Ex-Trump Adviser, to Talk to Jan. 6 Panel After Resisting
  • DC Declares Immigration Emergency as Biden Admin Loosens Immigration Rules
  • Democrat Rep. Cuellar Knocks Biden on Border Crisis, Urges 'Repercussions'
  • Flores Hits Gonzalez in Texas Race: 2019 Comments Show 'Racist Colors'

The CBP investigation into the @CBPWestTexas account comes after a report released in October last year found that 60 Border Patrol agents committed misconduct by taking part in a Facebook group that featured racist, homophobic and misogynist content.

The CBP's Discipline Review Board recommended 24 of the agents be fired, but only two were.

Newsweek has contacted Miller and the CBP for further comment.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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Stephen Miller Blasts CBP for Investigating Account That Retweeted Him (2025)


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