'Ink Master' season 6 finale review: Did Chris Blinston, Dave Kruseman or Matt O'Baugh win? (2024)

  • vietnamvetwife
    October 25, 2015 @7:47 pm

    I hate the “live audience” format in virtually everything on tv…there are always audience hogs in every group. I think it is distracting and it was obvious that Kruseman packed the audience with friends and relatives. I won’t watch next year, at least not the finale. What a waste of my time.

  • BurntSienna
    October 20, 2015 @6:43 pm

    I thought it was really stupid to have the audience pick the two that go to the final judging of the back piece. I thought it was even more stupid that they opened up the voting of the 6 hour live tattoo before they were even finished tattooing the live tattoo. How can a vote on a tattoo be done before the piece is even finished?? Then they showed the finished pieces and closed the voting mere minutes later!! If they do this again next year, I won’t watch the finale. I’ll just go online and see who won. I might not watch the finale, anyway, it was so poorly designed (if it was designed at all) and horribly executed.

  • Matt Pearce
    October 16, 2015 @2:27 am

    Like many others have said, it’s ridiculous that Matt’s 35 hour tattoo was a non factor, and he was eliminated for a 6 hour piece… but then I saw how jacked the mouth on the skull of his back piece was, and thought that all was right with the tattoo gods.

  • Evan Ricks
    October 15, 2015 @10:51 pm

    Chris Blinston was robbed. He hands down should have won. Kruseman did mediocre work all season long and jacked up quite a few tattoos that people now have to live with. Even Chris’s bad tattoos were still okay.

    It all boiled down to this for me:

    Could Chris have done Kruseman’s American traditional master canvass tattoo? Absolutely! He probably could have done it better. Could Kruseman do Chris’s pinup master canvass tattoo? No way in hell. Couldn’t come near it. He’d have jacked it up completely (as he did with his portrait challenge).

    Kruseman should not have won, and I don’t know what the judges were thinking…

  • Guest
    October 15, 2015 @8:20 pm

    Chris should have won. Kruseman’s back piece was sick, but if you were to judge the art throughout the whole competition, Chris had amazing tattoos the whole time. Kruseman seemed to win by playing it safe. It makes me think the show is rigged sometimes.

    Yea football is different and it all comes down to the superbowl, but this is a show to find the most diverse tattoo artist. A person who can do it all. Not just fly under the radar then put all their time in the final piece.

    Also, Matts tattoo should have been judged with the other two finalists. Why make him do the 35hour tattoo and then eliminate him?? You all wasted him time and money.

  • J Ritz
    October 15, 2015 @8:19 pm

    The show seemed like they got together an hour before and decided the format. Chris deserved the win—do these men and women get that it is a contest…It should have been Matt vs Chris–Kruseman flew under the radar the whole time…Did Dave really call Oliver- Oliver Pecker??? :)…..Overall, much rather see the regular show format w/out an audience.. No one could hear anything..

  • Carl E Chapman
    October 15, 2015 @4:39 pm

    Chris should have won. It was a better tattoo. Matt’s was better than Kruzeman’s too.

  • Gina
    October 15, 2015 @7:34 am

    i hated that Mat’s master tattoo didn’t get critiqued. we didn’t see the tattoos until voting pretty much ended, so those votes were based strictly on popularity and not the tattoo. Of course, maybe it’s all rigged any way and those “votes” aren’t even counted and the producers put who they want in the top 2. I knew when Chris won the 10K he wasn’t going to win Ink Master. That’s 2nd place money

  • Brenda Roberts
    October 15, 2015 @1:18 am

    I really think , Chris should of been the winner Kruseman never went out there the whole season. I fell they never really liked Chris from the start they gave it to the wrong person in my eyes that is all I have to say

  • Guest
    October 14, 2015 @10:55 pm

    Enjoyed the show. Felt bad that all 3 spent many hours on their back piece only to be judged and eliminated for the live 6 hour tattoo. Hope season 7 changes that up.

  • Stella Molloy
    October 14, 2015 @8:09 pm

    Even with limited viewing time and from my television, I could see really bad line work all over Krusemans tattoo; come on from my TV. Funny the judges never mentioned it, which leaves me with opinion that the decision had nothing to do with the final tattoo at all. I guess they thought we wouldn’t be able to spot it. I fast forward through all the BS drama every week any way.

  • Tammy
    October 14, 2015 @6:44 pm

    I cannot believe that Chris put a half naked girl on a girl’s back! That’s definitely a man’s tattoo! ?. Krusemans was much better!

    • 21stNow
      October 14, 2015 @9:48 pm

      I disagree. Women can get pinups, too. Of course, I am biased. I am a woman with two pinups.

  • Hence K
    October 14, 2015 @5:45 pm

    I really disliked how the finale went down. If you are going to have 3 artists do a back piece just judge each for a winner. If you want to have a final comp where the winner is part of the final two? fine do that. Give the winner one of the two slots and the 10 grand, but don’t judge the other two and eliminate one artist completely.

    Matt’s backpiece should have been judged against Kruseman’s backpiece and then the winner out of those two, would be judged against Chris’s. When I realize they were being judged to be in the final slot against Chris…and going by that same live tattoo…I was shocked.

    I hate competitions like this…where the judges have zero basis for decisions…except their own personal preference…But I have accepted that part of it, such is art…its completely subjective. At least make some decent rules. Why make the man do a 35 hr back piece with the possibility he will never get judged on it?

    If not for the nice competition, drama, and tattoos…I wouldn’t watch anymore.

    PS. Nunez seems the most biased

    • Bordeauxm
      October 15, 2015 @2:47 pm

      The judges examine the back pieces well in advance of the live show. Matts back piece was the weakest of the 3 so there was no loss in not judging it live, they had already decided the winner.

  • Moe Ives
    October 14, 2015 @4:35 pm

    I would have liked to have seen Erik and Craig make it to the finale but they both self destructed towards the end of the season. I wasn’t really a fan of either Chris or Kruseman and the format didn’t favor Matt. After all, it is only a television show put on for our entertainment. There are bigger issues such as Democrats to worry about.

  • djobfather
    October 14, 2015 @3:15 pm

    What a joke. do you think it would be possible to splurge for some microphones and a director for the final episode. This reminded me more of a poorly run talent show than a finally of a TV Show. I was actually embarrassed for Oliver and Chris, it felt as though they didn’t have a clue as to what was going to happen next. As for having the fans select one contestant to send to the immediate finals, why even have the third contestant go thru the bother of a 30 hour tattoo. It was obvious that with all of the exmiltary rooting for him, Chris was going to win the six hour- although I thought the tattoo was dark and liked Chris’s better. I have to say I found the whole thing to be disappointing.

    • Joe Hill
      October 14, 2015 @4:03 pm

      you do know problems happen and i agree Chris was robbed

    • Ali Roberts
      October 14, 2015 @4:05 pm

      Thank you! I totally agree. It seems like the finale is terrible every year. It’s truly distracting and the show (no matter how good the rest of the season was) always end on a bad note for me. There are constant awkward pauses and sound issues. I would honestly rather them take out the live “America votes” element and just do a non-live version rather than having to hear Dave, Oliver, and Chris stumble blindly through their lines.

      • tamaca
        October 14, 2015 @5:05 pm

        I actually got bored with it so I looked on Facebook to see who won and turned it off about half way through.

  • Joan Murphy Snow
    October 14, 2015 @2:12 pm

    There is no denying,Chris is a very talented artist,with a take charge kind of attitude.He was probably the most versatile artists in the competition, the only thing he lacks is empathy.In another medium,that would not be such a big deal,but as a tattoo artist,it is.A tattoo artist who disregards his canvas’ pain,which we saw Chris do,as the leader in the competition involving 4 artists tattooing an animal print on their canvas.That canvas had to have a medical intervention, because it was feared she had gone into shock and it was determined she could not continue in the competition.Chris’ reaction was not concern for the woman,but anger.Every tattoo involves a bit of pain,it is just part of the process,but an artist who has no concern on managing the pain for their canvas can not be a Master of this craft.Because of the lack of empathy,in my opinion,the judges made the right decision

    • Max Power
      October 14, 2015 @4:28 pm

      Wow! What an awesome observation. For that reason, I would not go to Chris. No matter how good his tattoos are, his anger keeps him from being a master.

    • Joey
      October 14, 2015 @9:35 pm

      Agree 100%. I know several talented artists that are only on it for the money and recognition. They care nothing for their clients. I believe Chris is one those artists.

    • Jade
      November 3, 2015 @9:53 pm

      I think that he was not in the wrong, that women knew exactly what was coming: 4 tattoos at the same time. I wouldn’t be empathetic either. Especially in a competition setting, when they are pressed for time, she knew full well that she could only take minimal breaks, and she cost the team the challenge. Totally her fault, and I don’t think Chris’s reaction was inappropriate at all.

  • vic
    October 14, 2015 @1:52 pm

    this guy did nothing but cry the whole season!! Chris was true, should have won. by far the best artist

  • Shalamar Bets
    October 14, 2015 @1:07 pm

    chris is dumb because he wears overalls.

    • Victor Valenzuela
      October 16, 2015 @1:52 am

      nahh he just doesn’t give a damn to what people thinks.

  • Jade Rampulla
    October 14, 2015 @12:50 pm

    hansunov got it right. Plenty of seasons where there’s a good argument for a different winner between the final 2 contestants. I think this season and Cleen Rock One vs Jason were the worst upsets. For the most part I agree with judging decisions during the season, but really disappointed with the finale decision and the crappy producer format for Matt’s master canvas.

    Don’t agree with the Superbowl argument. Ink “Master” CANNOT be judged in 1 tattoo, but rather a whole body of work. It’s impossible to show all skills in 1 tattoo because no artist does all styles in 1 tattoo (Realism, Biomech, Animals, Horror, Portrait, Traditional, etc). Ink “Master” covers all styles not just one!!! If you compare all styles and skillsets side by side of the final artists, there should be a different winner in multiple seasons. I like Kruseman as a person better than the other finalists, but Chris and Matt are much better Ink “Masters”. If you’re wearing a piece of art on your skin for the next 50 years, who cares if the person is nice or mean!…get the best piece of art possible!

    Hoping next season will be better. The lineup is crazy stacked and we haven’t even seen what the newest 8 can do. Rooting for Sausage vs Cleen vs Jime Litwalk, Jesse Smith, or Matti Hixon in the finale!!!

  • Bungie
    October 14, 2015 @12:27 pm

    Chris not winning despite his better work really pissed me off…
    I thought they were gonna say Kruseman you don’t have what it takes to be Inkmaster.

  • Michael McWilliams
    October 14, 2015 @12:25 pm

    Perception is reality, Chris was a big dick on the show. who you are when the camera is on is who you really are. and if you changed who you are because your on a show and want to be recognized then that makes you a bigger jerk. be who you are. I’m sorry but being nice to others and helping people out is greater than if your a rock god but a dick. Chris tried to get him to roll on Duffy and he wouldn’t do it, the judges talked about respect those before you. Chris didn’t even respect his equals. and he lost,

  • Lois Casey
    October 14, 2015 @12:11 pm

    This is like the Super Bowl. It all comes down to the last tattoo. Which one did the judges think was better? The same thing happened last season. I agree that Chris was probably the better artist, but this challenge is designed to stand on its’ own. I missed the show because my DVR failed but looking online I would prefer the winning design.

  • hansunov
    October 14, 2015 @11:57 am

    The Ink Master finales are becoming an exercise in frustration. This is the fourth time you can make a case the wrong person won. (Scott over Sausage, Jason over Cleen, Steve over Sarah and now this.)

    All you need to know about whether Kruseman even deserved to be on that stage is that when they did his little retrospective video it was mostly negative critiques and they had two decent tattoos to show – one of which was his final tattoo.

    To me, Kruseman’s tattoo looked like 10 pounds of sh-t stuffed in a 5-pound bag. It was absolutely crammed and looked disjointed. (It was good but not perfect by any means, especially from a design perspective.) The face on Chris’ pinup was gorgeous, and I think the tattoo highlighted his skill. Oliver is an American traditionalist tattooer and it’s hard not to think that had a huge impact on the final result. Also not taking into consideration what the artist did during the season (where Kruseman failed repeatedly, skated by, and really didn’t produce many good tattoos) is ridiculous. They did the same thing when Jason won.

    But more than anything what kills me about all this is that Matt’s beautiful tattoo was wasted. The producers of this show do an amazing job UNTIL the finale. They insist on putting in twists that make no sense. Just make the finale ABOUT THE TATTOOS. Having the live tattoo and some twitter votes determine who got a spot in the final two and then eliminating someone else before their master canvas was even shown was absurd and unfair. 35 hours of work (plus god knows how many hours designing it) for NOTHING. And because of this dumb twist, it wasn’t judged side by side with the others and they could have very easily been dismissing the best tattoo of the three. Matt deserved to up there against his competitors. The judges seemed completely embarrassed by the whole thing.

    I thought Chris and Matt’s tattoos were neck and neck. Matt very easily could have won. But we’ll never know because the producers once again screwed up the finale with an unneeded twist.

    Nunez loves to berate the contestants and say “this is ink master, you have to be able to do all styles, blah, blah.” Kruseman’s horrendous portrait (which Oliver said was a challenge designed to test their true skill level) will always stand testament to the fact of what Kruseman really is.

    • Hence K
      October 14, 2015 @5:57 pm

      I will not speak about your comments on Kruseman…I think its way too debatable. But I do agree that if you go by the whole season, Chris should have won. I still wanted Chris to be knocked down a peg. Finally…I didn’t like Chris’s back-piece. It wasn’t bad, but after seeing Matt’s back-piece with a woman…it was kind of wack.

      Matt’s tattoo was the best IMO. I would love to see a tattoo like that on anyone. The use of negative space, and the face and smoothness of the tattoo. It beat the hell out of Chris’s.

      Yeah…the producers failed miserably. I just made a post…
      They should have just awarded the winner of the live tat 10k and ended it there.

      I would have even settled to having that tat bring Chris into the final two…then Kruseman and Matt being judged on their back piece in order to then judge the winner against Chris’s. I honestly thought that’s what was happening…I was confused as they critiqued Matt…I was like…are they judging the back piece without showing it to us? Then I found out….and was dumbfounded…

  • joe
    October 14, 2015 @11:55 am

    Kruseman winning was complete robbery how does someone who can’t do a portrait be ink master. First season I’ve watched and it’ll be the last. Season 7 should just be called whos gana bring more people to yell there name cause they know they don’t deserve it.

    • Anatoli Ossai
      October 18, 2015 @3:27 am


  • jimwood
    October 14, 2015 @11:51 am

    Kruseman is the worst inkmaster ever! How can a person be inkmaster if they cant draw a face? Chris and his apprentice were better than Kruseman, Matt and his apprentice are better than kruseman, Craig, and St.Marq are better than Kruseman…..His own apprentice is better than he is….7th best artist THIS SEASON!!!!!!! Next season, the three judges should be introduced as “the three stooges”……they should take up a collection for the $100,000 they just stole from EITHER of the other two finalists……

  • Tattoo
    October 14, 2015 @11:46 am

    Judges twist too much to make the show interesting. It is interesting enough with good tattoos. Good luck to them in season 7. I will not be returning to watch. Interested in seeing the work not the BullSh*t.

  • Anthony Scott Davis
    October 14, 2015 @11:24 am

    I have alot of American traditional tattoos and i if i could go back in time i would trade them all for that back piece that chris did krusemans tattoo was good but just to many imperfections for me chris should have won and for that i will not watch this show again

  • James Dalton
    October 14, 2015 @8:27 am

    I was rooting for Chris all season , but Kruseman was the obvious winner in my eyes. He brought his A game with that amazing back piece

    • sam23
      October 14, 2015 @3:10 pm

      I agree, Chris is undoubtedly a bad ass artist, but this back piece Kruseman did was knocked outta the park.

      • MetusBatmanV3
        October 15, 2015 @10:57 am

        It was meh.

    • Tuscar
      October 16, 2015 @3:06 am

      Kruse man’s back piece was solidly done American traditional, but it was overly busy, and illegible from 4 feet away. The eagle was hard to decipher, and the 2 giant seahorses were so completely lost in the background, it took a full 2 minutes for me to realize they were there.

      While Blinston’s back piece had a few issues, it was 100% legible saturated, clean, textured, and just plain beautiful.

      This might be the worst case of bias in this show’s history. Kruse man should have went home over Duffy and not even been in the finale, but the judge’s bias saved him.

  • Guest
    October 14, 2015 @6:45 am

    I think Chris is a better artist, but I would rather have Kruseman’s back piece than Chris’s.

    In 2007 the New England Patriots won every single regular season game and made it to the playoffs…..Giants are the champions.
    The lesson for Chris is: dont fail in the super bowl.

  • JOHN
    October 14, 2015 @6:06 am

    It’s bull Kruseman was playing safe Sally through almost the whole entire competition Chris was winning a ton of challenges consistently he had more victories than Kruseman go back and watch it you’ll see for yourself!!!!!!!!!!??????????
    So basically what they’re telling us when you go into the realm of ink master all you have to do is just play it safe and just try to pull all the stops not till the very end that’s basically the message they’re sending us by Kruseman winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
    Dave I cannot believe that you really felt that cruise man is a better artist than Chris chris has won a ton of challenges Chris went far and beyond everything you’ve asked him to do Kruseman didn’t I don’t know if I’m going to watch this anymore!!!!!!!!!!!
    And what’s so funny about all of this America picked Chris not Kruseman

  • Sparrows
    October 14, 2015 @5:53 am

    Chris should of won! His tattoo skills and artistry is superb. Kruzeman is a good artist, but did not deserve to win. Chris’ tattoo was a stunning piece that had all the components that we judged throughout the competition. This finale was a damn shame…

  • Debra Davault
    October 14, 2015 @5:39 am

    I seriously think that there was a lot of favoritism with Oliver with the crews man and Matt they could do a kind of a crappy tattoo and they have to pick up somebody else made a couple of mistakes I was just so terrible horrible dad blah blah blah you know Chris didn’t really good job buddy made a couple of days so it was just a nightmare to him Chris should have one plain simple he’s a better man that was good he should have been the second person if Kristen when I should a woman plain simple only if Chris did not win but the cruise when did yuk

    • Aaron Cookerly
      October 14, 2015 @5:46 am

      Could you possibly repeat this in English?

      • rg88
        October 14, 2015 @11:49 am

        Lol! I second that motion.

  • Yo momma
    October 14, 2015 @5:13 am

    Just truly a shame. This show is ruined, the judges must have been smoking something tonight. Are you kidding me? Lol. Kreusman is a grade C artist, didn’t win any elimination challenges, told the judges he completely disregarded a challenge one episode 0_o, did mediocre tatoos, and did nothing impressive except his last tatoo. Chris is a grade A+ tatoo artist, he was the dominant artist throughout the season and is art is amazing. His finale tatoo blew Kreusmans away. Screw Ink Master, thanks for ruining the show for me. Not even worth watching if crap like this happens where true artists get robbed.

  • Jason Paul D'Arcy
    October 14, 2015 @5:06 am

    Are people seriously on here saying kruseman should be ink master cause he’s nice? It’s about the best tattoo artist and hands down Chris was it. Won more challenges, and even in the work up they put in how kruseman almost went home- never watching this crap again. Pick the true ink master and stop being a punch of pansies looking out for popular demand in a classy guy. You just robbed a father of $ for his kids.

    • Yo momma
      October 14, 2015 @5:18 am

      Agreed… I am truly upset at what happened tonight. I still think it’s a joke. The only reason why Chris lost is so they can make him return in another season to get more views for their show. Happened to other true winners in past seasons that were robbed. It’s bull crap :/

      • Joe Hill
        October 14, 2015 @4:01 pm

        yeah Chris was in the bottom once or twice and one of those times he put his self in their

    • Brad Kennedy
      October 14, 2015 @11:42 am

      Well then don’t watch an arbitrarily judged show… Watch something that is scored.

      • Shalamar Bets
        October 14, 2015 @1:07 pm

        word up

    • Joe Hill
      October 14, 2015 @4:00 pm

      its not about the tattoo any more its about whos popular chris should have won it and Kruseman is not as nice as every one says he is

    • Seth Sanchez
      November 18, 2015 @7:14 pm

      At least Chris didn’t leave empty handed. He did get the $10,000 fan vote.

  • chris
    October 14, 2015 @4:44 am

    Chris should’ve one…that’s bull crap kruseman won…he didn’t deserve it…he didn’t even deserve to be in the top 4…just saying

    • Victor Valenzuela
      October 16, 2015 @1:52 am

      very true perhaps! he just nailed it in the very last one. his last tattoo is winner tattoo for any tattoo competition.

  • Joey
    October 14, 2015 @3:55 am

    I have worked with Dave Kruseman many years ago. He is a class act. Just a great guy all around. He deserves the win.

    • LizWoods
      October 14, 2015 @12:24 pm

      Just because he’s a great guy doesn’t mean he’s the best tattoo artist — and that’s what the show was supposed to be all about.

      • Joey
        October 14, 2015 @5:28 pm

        Liz, are you an artist or a critic? I am an artist. The traditional piece Kruseman did was a lot more creative than the piece Chri did. Did you notice the jacked up thigh in Chris’ work? Or that half of it was an uncreative solid red sky and checkered flag? Or did you notice the inconsistent skin tone? Kruseman had the better tattoo between the two, plain and simple. With that said, I believe that Matt’s tattoo was clearly better than both Kruseman’s or Chris’. Now go back to the suburbs.

        • LizWoods
          October 14, 2015 @6:53 pm

          So, because someone disagrees with your opinion you resort to lame insults like “go back to the suburbs”? What a neanderthal move. Look that word up, genius.

          Throughout the competition, Kruseman was the weakest link. He can’t even do a portrait, for heaven’s sake. He played “Safe Sally”, and it was lucky for him that he was able to skate by.

        • Stella Molloy
          October 14, 2015 @8:16 pm

          Guess you didn’t notice the bad line work in Krusemans tattoo. Look again it’s everywhere.

        • Bordeauxm
          October 15, 2015 @2:52 pm

          I agree with everything you say except matts tatt. Look and all the big black blobs scattered about at random. Kruseman by far had the best tatt, I am just amazed he could complete it in just 35 hours.

          • Joey
            October 15, 2015 @3:12 pm

            Kruseman did one hell of a tattoo for only 35 hours. I think Matt’s bold lines gave it good contrast which allowed it to be easily read from a distance. Kruseman’s did not, but that is just the style of Traditional. I think that the judges would have leaned more towards Matt’s work. Chris’ color-by-numbers tattoo didn’t stand a chance.
            And to all the haters, It doesn’t matter how you make it to the Super Bowl, as long as you win the last game, that’s all that matters!

        • Protoman13
          October 17, 2015 @12:56 am

          Joey, did you notice the jacked up line work in krusemans back piece? How about the blowouts in the seahorse tails? Or how about piss poor whip shading in the spider web? Did you compare the seahorses to see the crazy amount of inconsistencies between them?? Just look at the heads alone! – Dave is ABSOLUTELY a great guy, and a class act! Nobody is questioning that, but let’s put all the cards on the table here before you go verbally slapping people over their opinions about a nonsense reality show – you can’t compare traditional with pin-up style realism, they are way to different of styles – hence why we have separate categories at conventions – so it boils down to what spike feels will make good television because THAT’S what it is!! By the way, I’m an artist too, of 15 years – now go back to your tribal armbands and try not to be such a dick to people online who aren’t tattoo artists and are just giving their opinions

  • Max Power
    October 14, 2015 @3:48 am

    The right man won because of his attitude. Chris was a bully. It all winds down to who I would go to for a tattoo.

    • Dylan Kearney
      October 14, 2015 @11:11 am

      no it doesn’t??? and look, my uncle got a tattoo from Chris. The show completely portrays him in a different light dude. First Cleen now Chris. smh

      • DM
        October 14, 2015 @1:01 pm

        I can fully second the show portraying him in a different light. Chris is my dad’s cousin, and he is a very nice person. He’s won tons of awards and is one of the most respected and well liked people in the industry.

        The producers need drama, they create drama. Notice how as soon as St Marq left as a villain the focus shifted towards Chris being a “bully”. Kruseman is a nice guy (it looks like) but he shouldn’t have even been to the finale, let alone won it. His final tattoo was bad ass, but the rest of the season he did mediocre work, refused to do challenges, and just kind of hung around because he wasn’t the worst person that week. And it continued.

        • Gina
          October 15, 2015 @7:28 am

          My tattoist and I were talking about this yesterday. He knows Oliver and he told me that they make some of the artist look like jerks for “entertainment” value. We both agree that that sucks. I’d much rather just watch the tattooing and see rad tats.

          • DM
            October 15, 2015 @11:21 am

            Yeah unfortunately that’s not just this show that does it. All reality shows of this type do the same thing. I’ve read several interviews and tell all a about people on reality shows and competition shows like this and they all say the same thing. They craft a personality they want for someone, and edit it to only show the footage of you that could support that. Sometimes they’ll instigate fights between the competitors for entertainment. And sometimes they’ll even flat out stage scenes and write lines for them to say. It’s sad but people love it.

  • Shannon Coon
    October 14, 2015 @3:42 am

    Garbage..kruseman sucks and should never have won..nothing like riding Chris’s coattails the whole time.

  • 'Ink Master' season 6 finale review: Did Chris Blinston, Dave Kruseman or Matt O'Baugh win? (2024)


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